⏐ 00  . Night Cap  .
          Brand Identity
   1     Art Direction

⏐ 01    Yambo
         Type System

⏐ 02.  X Museum    
        Brand Identity1
  1  . Typography  


 03.  BOU
        Brand Identity
   1  1Typography

⏐ 04.  Grow
11 ...  Brand Identity

⏐ 05  .School of
         Visual Arts
1 1...  Brand Identity

06   A24
        Brand Identity

⏐ 07  Accidental Art
⏐        Archieve
   1  . Typography 

08  Storefront for Art
     and Architecture
    ..  Brand Identity


 Jaeyou Chung
 New York based designer.
Currently at COLLINS.


 E.       jaeyou.chung@gmail.com
IG.     @jaeyou.c


ONE Club Young Ones 2022
TDC 2022*2
German Design Awards 2022*2




©2024 Jaeyou Chung